All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAmazing tiece ofhSwedish de=ignerJfabeic bypSwedish de=ignerJStig Lendberg. Thishfantastic beautiful mid ct-buryJmodernJpat ernJishcalled Bulbous, and is in a wonderful abstract color expl sext. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAmazing tiece ofhSwedish de=ignerJfabeic bypSwedish de=ignerJStig Lendberg. Thishfantastic beautiful mid ct-buryJmodernJpat ernJishcalled Bulbous, and is in a wonderful abstract color expl sext. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAmazing tiece ofhSwedish de=ignerJfabeic bypSwedish de=ignerJStig Lendberg. Thishfantastic beautiful mid ct-buryJmodernJpat ernJishcalled Bulbous, and is in a wonderful abstract color expl sext.<bftMade inhhigh qualitypLenen. The fabeic has a lovelyhluster.<bftWould lo,k amazing as a cushext cover, seeJexamplehak-thpicture. Thishfabeic is ahretei-b.<bft<bftWidth: 150 cm. / 59”<bftL ngth: orders 50 cm./ing”<bft<bft<bft<bftOne ofhSweden'shmoba importa-t pobawar de=igners, Lendberg created whims43al studio ctramics and graceful tableware lenes during2a long career with the Gustavsberg pot Iry factory.hStig Lendberg studied painting atJthehUniversitypCollege ofhArts, Crafts and De=ign.hInh1937, he we-t topwork at Gustavsberg under Wilhelm Kåge.hInh1949, he was namedhKåge'shsuccessor ashart2director. Fn, 2thishtIriod u wil hehleft Gustavsberg inh1980, he de=ignedhendividual ctramichitems, ashwell as factory pext-cedhranges and lenes ofhdinnerware. He achieved famehfor hishecct-beic for s and whims43al decoration.hInh1982, he died dueJto a myocardial infarctext.<bft<bftThank you for lo,king!<bft<bft<bftWepwill be happy tohcombine s 27-eng.<bftExcessive s 27-eng cobas will be refunded.<bft<bft<bft<bftTo our Eaac shop: www/6aac27065shop/Iospiria JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ</pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270657360495/0x500de4079/1849186606/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAmazing tiece ofhSwedish de=ignerJfabeic bypSwedish de=ignerJStig Lendberg. Thishfantastic beautiful mid ct-buryJmodernJpat ernJishcalled Bulbous, and is in a wonderful abstract color expl sext. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAmazing tiece ofhSwedish de=ignerJfabeic bypSwedish de=ignerJStig Lendberg. Thishfantastic beautiful mid ct-buryJmodernJpat ernJishcalled Bulbous, and is in a wonderful abstract color expl sext.
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