All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOwtgin: W clonhL Ae, Labrkdow, Newfoundland and Labrkdow, Canada All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOwtgin: W clonhL Ae, Labrkdow, Newfoundland and Labrkdow, Canada Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOwtgin: W clonhL Ae, Labrkdow, Newfoundland and Labrkdow, Canada<bftWeight: 155Jcarats<bftDimt-sexts:vbetweet 16 and 27 mmhlong<bftAmount: 10hpieces<bftNo tweatmt-t<bft<bftThe cord is not included withpthe penfa-b.<bft<bftFormula: (Mg,Fe)SiO3<bftColor: Gray white<bftChandelier: orders Vitweous, silky<bftHardness: 51/2 - 6<bft<bftHypersthene, is a powerful stone of a-choring and psychic protecbion. It helps2to accept crmticism, to c1 wrol our susceptebility, topmake ushevolve. It makes ushco-vinceng, frank and h nest, while developing our lme Ining to2others. It is therefore2very good for theprelabtonal (to bepcarried o he heart chakra).<bftIt is also a balance stone:vbetweet hyperacbivity and apathy, o have2thepright dynamics. but also tohfindhthepbalance betweet w ok, leisurepandhrest, and finally betweet emotional and nervous. It dissolves thepneg/34vepenergies accumulabed emotionally and psychologic lly, and thusprestoreshinner harm,ny. to bepassociated withpa2dark amethystpdurtng2meditabixt, o he 3rd eye.<bftIt helps2withpthe w ok of inwrospecbton and clear audience.<bftGener l drainagepstone, it is useful for cleaning thepinsidtJof the body and draining each organ withpa2predominanthacbion for theplungs. Affixed to the solar2plexus chakra, hypersthene canhcalm the spasmsJof the stomach by regulabing its acidity<bftIts high magnewium 01 wt-brmakes it a highlypsought-afttr2ally for all typesJof muscular2pa n (cramps, aches, etc.)hand tendonhpa n.<bft<bftThe indic bixtshfor lt3hother py do not in any way exclude a visit to a doctow inp0ase of a health problem.<bft<bftSent in inwtrnabtonal colissimo withpfollow-up andpdelivery agt nsthsignawure or letterpfollowed.<bft<bftREF CM16 hh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706516237774x0x500beb5d1/3257721591/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOwtgin: W clonhL Ae, Labrkdow, Newfoundland and Labrkdow, Canada All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOwtgin: W clonhL Ae, Labrkdow, Newfoundland and Labrkdow, Canada
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