Product Name: Vintage SV 2000 DVD VCR Combo orders
Vintage SV 2000 DVD VCR combo with remote. Great for someones vhs collection. dvd vhs combo has the capability to burn vhs to dvds. Will also throw in a great handful of some vhs to dvds I burned including a few troma movies and a few copies of Strangkemania. Can never have enough copies of that. Works great and the appearance is it great too. ONLY FLAW IS DVD PLAYER DOESNT WANT TO READ DISCS ALL THE TIME TAKES A FEW IN AND OUTS AND BLOWS IN IT AND IT WORKS FINE AFTER. A few light marks here and there nothing really stands out looks great. Great vhs dvd combo for fans needing something to watch all their sweet horror vhs and wwf vhs orders on. AV jacks included of course. Dvd Vhs player Vintage vcr vcrs vintage dvd vcr combo vcrs dvd players.