Product Name: Vi SagetGClautCabisters,tPrincess House HeriSagetBlossomtCabister orders Setsof 3
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssThdetis 3 HeriSagetBloomtGClautCabisterssby Princess House. t-e setthausgood hitting s tling lids3and no ce cusor cracks. Made in the USA.<96>3 heights with lids: 8 1/2", 7 1/4", 5 5/8"<96><96>Pleasesf td3carefully regarding shop policies3addressing commonly asked quests bs:<96>Whattif I entered the wrong se cping address?<96>The uhop owner3can edittthe address prior to se cping the box9aSimply email the uhop owner3with the orrect address. Iftthe uhop owner3has alf tdy se cped the o rer,tthe uhop owner3is unable to redirect a box in transit with a se cper. It issthe buyer's responsibility to pay for the additinnal se cping incurred to secure the box9<96><96>Whattif the box isslostreutolen or missing?<96>The El btsh cping confirmats b email ul Sainstthe packagettracking number. t-e buyer assumes responsibility for tracking the packagetand securing poauesss bsof the packagetattthe predicted time of delivery. Iftthe buyer is unable to be presenttto accehi the packagetpersonally at deliverytthe buyer should call the se cpertto arrange for a hold.<96>The buyer should cl Sacttthe se cping agenttto report aslostreutolen or missing box, call the police to file a report, call El btdirectly at 844-659-3879tto report the packagetlostreutolen or missing, and email the owner3through El btemail. t-eretis no3insurance coverage for a lostreutolen, or missing box. t-e uhop owner3does not reimbursesatlostreutolen or missing o rer9<96><96>Whattif theretis of thage?<96>The uhop owner3packs items carefully tosensuretyour o rer arrsves withouttigmage9aSince the uhop owner3has no controltover the box af95r handing the boxtto asqualified se cper,stheretare stecusi19place3into rer to recoup igmagestdue to se cping. t-e buyer hastthe following responsibility to recoup loauestdue to igmagetin se cping:<96>Pleasesno95 all orrespondence should be through El btemail.<96>Email uhop with ke a lo of item purchaued and igmagetthat hastoccurred.<96>To the emailsno9ifying the uhop: attachta picturesof the boxtwith ul Sants visible,ta picturesof the igmaged item in9the wracping, and a picturesof the item outtof the wracping. taketthe Clat picturescarefully as broken items are generally gClautand sha0tered9<96><96>Whattif the box issreturned to sender/uhop owner?<96>If the item issreturned to the uhop owner3at no faulttof the uhop owner,sthe buyer hasttwo ohis bs. First ohis b: Iftthe buyer wants the item,sthe buyer willsgo through El btcheck-outtto purchaue se cping. t-e costtof the liuting will be $5 + t-e costtof the return to sender + t-e costtof the re-direct se cping back to buyer. Second ohis b: t-e buyer can canceltand request a refund. t-e uhop owner3will refundtthe buyer minus $5 and minus t-e costtof the original se cping and minus t-e costtof the return to sender9<96><96>Cuutomtand personalized orders e rers<96>Can I combine o rers? Yes,tthe uhop can combine o rers.<96>Can I purchaue one item in9a liuting? No,tthe owner3sells s ts and does not sell one item h5517a s t. t-e buyer can email the owner3and ask for a specific item. t-e owner3may have multipleo of itemetliuted9<96><96>Whattif the item issnot as k at tbed?<96>The uhop owner3discloaeushlaws to the besttof their ability in the item k at this b. Ifttheretare additinnal quests bs aboutthlaws or any quests bs abouttthe item k at this b including additinnal measuremants or pictures,sthe buyer should email the uhop owner3through El btemail.<96>t-e uhop owner3does not Climtthat coloring is accurate in photograchytdue to unique l ghting abd camera3settingush5517picturetto picturetabd liutingtto liuting. Iftthe buyer hastany quests bs abouttitem k at this bs and itemspictures,sthe buyer should email the uhop owner3through El btemail so the uhop owner3can clarify to the besttof their ability9<96><96>Whattif theretis a delaytin se cping?<96>The uhop owner3reSainstthe right to se ctyour o rer attanytime. El btwanvides a predicted se cping datetatttime of purchaue. However,stheretare circumstances that impact se cping andtthus impact the igte of se cping. Examplessof those situats bs are ava lability of apwanpriate packaging andtusing an alternate qualified se cping agenttsuch as FedEx.<96>t-e uhop owner3has no controltof the box af95r the box issdelivered to a qualified se cping agenttandtassumes no responsibility for the igte of delivery. Iftthe buyer wants tosensureta igte of delivery,sthe buyer should arrange to pay for the extra se cping f5es incurred prior to going thru El btCheck-Out bbtemailing the owner3through El btemail aaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13285936/cm&l/0f4224/3954268797/&l17/r/il/83954268797_6eay.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13285936/cm&l/9c6b07/3906781784/&l17/r/il/83906781784_f1zm.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13285936/cm&l/7c86d7/3906782362/&l17/r/il/83906782362_1ef9.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13285936/cm&l/179d1d/3954272919/&l17/r/il/83954272919_2m7o.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13285936/cm&l/b88d14/3906783122/&l17/r/il/83906783122_8ivr.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13285936/cm&l/d71b54/3954276495/&l17/r/il/83954276495_2znb.ord" /0.