Product Name: Pokemon Home COMPLETE Gen 1-8 Dex Shiny + Non, ALL DLC, Forms orders ALL POKEMON
What it does Contain? Full Pokedex (GEN 1 to GEN 8) All Pokemon with gender differences All Shiny Forms All Alolan/Galarian forms All 8 Ash Pikachu Caps All 28 Unown All 4 forms of orders Deoxys All 6 forms of Burmy and Wormadam All 4 forms of Shellos and Gastrodon All 6 forms of Rotom Both forms of Basculin All 8 forms of Deerling and Sawsbuck Both Incarnate and Therian forms for the Forces of Nature trio Both forms of Keldeo All 20 forms of Vivillon All 15 colors of Flabebe, Floette, and Florges All 8 sizes of Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist 10% and 50% forms of Zygarde Both forms of Hoopa All 4 forms of Oricorio All 3 forms of Lycanroc All 7 colors of Minior Both forms of Magearna Both forms of Toxtricity Both forms of Urshifu Both forms of Zarude All 4 forms of Sinistea and Polteageist 63 forms of Alcremie It includes aditional Pokemon for Held item forms such as Giratina, Furfrou trims All Gigantamax Forms Shiny Locked Pokemon (Only if you want them).