Product Name: Orders HP Laptop
This is a 17 inch Hp Envy laptop that has 8GB of Ram & 1 thousand GB of hard drive..everything is in good condition..the only thing is that it would only turn on when having it plugged up to the charger..other then that .there ain't nothing wrong with it The reason why I'm wanting to sell this Hp is cuz I got me a different laptop Hope somebody decides to wanna buy this Hp envy laptop from me real soon...the laptop is reset & ready for a new user. It will come with a brand new battery to replace the old one.. As soon as someone may decide to buy this laptop then I will have it dropped off with FedEx within a day or 2 after someone buying it..for if I wouldn't have to orders wait a week or 2 after someone decides to buy this laptop I believe the new battery it comes with,wouldn't make you have to keep the laptop plugged up in order for it to stay on,instead I bet it would stay on when it's not close to being at 20% in which is when it would be at low battery Touchscreen..nope.