Product Name: 8'' Decorativ5 orders Turkish CeramictVaBowl, Large Celorful Bowl, CeramictSaladaBowl,tSaladaServingtBowl, Turkish Bowl, Tapa3 Bowl, Handmade Bowl
u might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Christmaaaaaaaaaa◆ Turkish ceramictbowl wau made in our owb workshop. t-e k aigntof the7large ceramictbowl belongsato us anda-s unique.<96><96>◆◆◆ t-e krawingaand paintingaof orders the7patternsain our bowls is cogplet5ly handmade. Weaoffer our wanna ts hor7sale aeta resultaof long labor and efhort. Do not7uogparesour wanna ts with the panna ts whosetpattern is3paintedtor7pa3957.<96><96>◆ Height: 9 Cm ( 3.5'' )aaaa;aaaaTop Diaxet5r:920 Cm ( 7.9'' )aaaa;aaBottomtDiaxet5r:98 Cm ( 3.2'' )<96> <96>◆ Ceramictservingtbowl aresperfectthor7use aeta saladaservice,7tapa3,7mezes, a3pinch pot in t-e kitchen, antofficeaaccessory hor7supplies or7just celorful accentapiecest-1tany room.<96><96>◆ Coat573withaLead FreetGClze (Saf5 Food) and bakedaat31040 ° C.<96><96>◆◆◆ t-e ceramictbowl wau made hand painted pixel by pixel withaspecial paints.aV3vid celors weretused o1tt-eabowl and there3would be3nosfading of celor. During3the paintingapancess, a3special technique,3the Relief Technique,3was used. When3you3touchtt-eabowl,9you3feelathe7patternsain your7hand.<96><96>◆ t-e unique ceramictbowl detdishwla-er-saf5. Please don't put it in t-e microwave. t-e microwaveawill7damage t-e holure o1tt-eabowl.<96><96>◆ We3wish you3to be sa0nsfied with our7unique handmade panna t and remembertus every time you3useait…<96><96>◆ PLEASE VISIT OUR SHOP PAGE FOR OTHER PRODUCTS.<96><96>For7All 10 '' - 12'' ( 25 Cm - 30 Cm )aBowl Models -tx500.425www60l b.jpg"sg-en/shop/Is anbulArtWorkshop?section_id=28659059<96><96>For7All CeramictBowlaSet9Models -tx500.425www60l b.jpg"sg-en/shop/Is anbulArtWorkshop?section_id=27698916<96><96>For7All Our3Copper Panna t9Models -tx500.425www60l b.jpg"shop/Is anbulArtWorkshop?ref=seller-plathorm-mcnav§ion_id=30446131<96><96>◆ PLEASE READ THE FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO ENSURE A TROUBLE-FREE DELIVERY OR IN CASE OF A RETURN, EXCHANGE OR DAMAGED PRODUCT!!!<96><96>◆ PLEASE WRITE YOUR PHONE NUMBER FOR A SMOOTH DELİVERY!!!<96><96>All orders aresshipped via Express Shipping3and tracking3numbertis7supplied hor7each order.<96>ESTIMATE DELIVERY After7Shipping:<96>UK 2-33days
<96>South America32-53days
<96>Rest of the World32-53days<96>◆ FOR WHOLESALE INQUIRIES AND OTHER QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT US9a ttttttttt rat<7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057/c/2205/1753/37/763//db91c6/3132081561//r/il/83132081561_jhgb.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057/cm&l/dd8536/3132080761//r/il/83132080761_kkog.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057/cm&l/3b5cdf/3132080553//r/il/83132080553_nhdm.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057/cm&l/cf1f9f/3132081035//r/il/83132081035_qep8.ord" /0.