Product Name: Beerus orders Universe 7 divine Vanquisher Signature Card TB1 SPR Dragon Ball Super
Beerus Universe 7 divine Vanquisher SPR Signature Card Dragon Ball Super Beerus Signature Card TB1-030 SPR Their is a Few Manufacturing Dots on the back Accepting Offers ***These are Just Tags below*** Signed Dragon Ball Super Card Signed DragonBallZ card SPR SCR SR ISR DAR GFR DPR IAR uncommon Common orders Special Rare Card Secret Rare Card Super Rare Card DragonBallSuper CardGame Goku Vegeta Trunks Gohan Piccolo Goten Frieza Cell Beerus Whis Android 18 Android 17 Android 19 Android 21 Kale Gogeta Vegito Bardock Tora Shenron Syn Shenron Ginyu Boo Baby Black Smoke Dragon Great Ape Saiyan Super Saiyan 4 ss4 card ssb card super Mira Demigra uub Videl Bulma Bulla Black Smoke Dragon Balls Son Goku Jr Zamasu Dr Gero Nappa Majin Boo Majin Vegeta Nail Cabba Universe 7 Universe 6 Hirudegarn Giant Force Rare Porunga King Vegeta Kid Trunks Bergamo Destroyer and Angel Rare Card Bandai DragonBall Funimation.